Question and Answer

Does pricing affect the quality of a reading?

Does pricing affect the quality of a reading?

Question submission: “Do you have experience with how different prices could affect the “energy coming through” in a session? Higher price=more flow, easier to connect with divine? Higher doesn’t mean to say unethical pricing. Just interested in your experience/opinion.”

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How do you do shadow work?

How do you do shadow work?

Question from a reader: How do we do this shadow work? I’m am aware of plenty of traumas in my past but I struggle to break the habits and patterns I have developed. Are there any tips or advice on where to begin? Journaling? Specific meditations? I’ve read a lot on your site and I really enjoy your ability to cut through the bullshit, while holding to the mysticism. You talk a lot about shadow work, but where do we start?

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Did You Choose This Life?

Did You Choose This Life?

Question submission: “I have to read conversations with God again. What about the theory where our divine self (soul/whatever) chose this existence/the experiences that we are living now?”

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Can You Psychically Sense Bad People?

Can You Psychically Sense Bad People?

Question submission: “Do you believe that you can deeply feel when you are in the presence of a genuinely bad person? And if so, how is that something you can explain without sounding crazy to others? Sorry to just jump in your DMs. I’m just sitting on this really hard today and I have a feeling that you maybe know this feeling too.”

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Do Your Negative Thoughts Manifest Disease?

Do Your Negative Thoughts Manifest Disease?

Question from a reader: “I have a fear that I may have cancer. I’m just 19 years old and I eat well and healthy. This thought comes at random times and I’m afraid that I may manifest this crazy thought. But sometimes I shrug it off easily. I’m really confused since I don’t know how to stop these thoughts and be free of this.”

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Do Crystals Really Work?

Do Crystals Really Work?

Question from a reader: “Do crystals really have properties that can be helpful for healing? I’m so skeptical of that and wonder if it’s a scam to get us to make some people wealthy. I don’t like spending money and won’t spend it unless I can see/validate it’s usefulness, but I’m still keen on your opinion on how and why they work.”

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Can You Psychically Sense Bad People?

Why QAnon Infected The Spiritual and Wellness Communities

I’ve been receiving a lot of comments on my posts lately from people within the spiritual community and outside of it all saying the same thing: “I don’t understand how people got from spirituality to QAnon.” Hold my beer, I’m gonna draw you a diagram…

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Is There A Correct Spiritual Path?

Is There A Correct Spiritual Path?

It’s been ages since I’ve done a Q&A post, but this was submitted as a comment on my post about spiritual teacher credibility and I thought it was worth addressing for a broader audience.

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Breaking Down Psychic Abilities

Believing In Your Psychic Self

Question from a reader:

“I have asked you this already when I was wondering how to know when was your mind talking and when your intuition. I finally discovered that I can be receiving a lot of information, but I could be blocking it. How can I start believing that what I feel is actually information from them?”

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Can You Ever Ask Too Much Of Your Spirit Guides?

Can You Ever Ask Too Much Of Your Spirit Guides?

Question from a reader:

“As I navigate down my spiritual path, I’ll ask for signs to help me through some unclear paths. However, I wonder about the possibility of asking for too many signs. As if asking for signs for the “same thing,” feels like it could be self-involved or seeking praise. Is there such a thing as asking for too much from our spiritual guides?”

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The Purpose of The Ego

The Purpose of The Ego

Question from a reader: “I’ve been considering writing a blog for over 5 years. One of the largest questions I ask is: what makes what I have to say so special that warrants a blog. This concern feels like what you describe as the (spiritual) “ego” but I’m also curious about the role of the ego in terms of how society/pop culture use the term. So my question is: what is the role/relationship of (pop culture) ego with (spiritual) ego?”

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Discerning Between Your Head and Your Heart

Discerning Between Your Head and Your Heart

Question from a reader: “I’m a paralegal in a high-paying job which demands long hours and lots of concentration. As much as I like connecting the dots and solving puzzles, most of the time I hate the fact that it keeps me from my family and things that I love. I’m stuck, I feel like I can’t leave because this job supports my family, and at the same time I don’t feel right inside. I don’t feel like this is right for me. How do I know if this feeling is real? How do I know if I should move on? And if so, to what?”

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Is There A Correct Spiritual Path?

Finding Your Spiritual Path

Question from a reader:

“I have been on a journey of trying to figure out my spiritual path and I’m so confused on how to figure out what it is. Can you give me any insight into how to do this?”

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Breaking Down Psychic Abilities

Why Psychic Abilities Come And Go

Question from a reader: “My abilities come and go and are very few and far between. I don’t have the ability to sense, I only have the ability to see and hear. Why does it come and go and why is it not consistent?”

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Breaking Down Psychic Abilities

Discerning Between Intuition and Imagination

Question from a reader: “I was recently informed that I was a medium. I want to enhance my gift to be able to help others. I have tried meditation to help myself embrace my gift but I can’t stay focused long enough to concentrate. What would you suggest I do? I would really love to embrace this gift. What are other methods that I can try? Also how can I tell the difference if it’s just my imagination or it’s a message or someone trying to contact me?”

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Does pricing affect the quality of a reading?

When Your Reading Isn’t What You Expected

Question from a reader: “I had a reading in which I talked to my higher self. At the time I really needed some serious advice and probably still do. What I got from my higher self was something I didn’t think was even close to being as important as the the things I really needed advice on or answers to. My question is why your higher self, when given the chance to give some serious answers or advice, would choose to pick a topic on something which I thought was sort of trivial in comparison to what I really wanted advice or guidance on?”

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How Past Lives Affect Our Current Life

How Past Lives Affect Our Current Life

Question from a reader:

“Can your past lives create havoc on the life you are currently living? Does regression therapy help? If you feel completely and entirely unbalanced and you have this guy feeling it has something to do with a past life or something along those lines, do you have any solid advice? Thank you!”

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Does pricing affect the quality of a reading?

How Being Psychic Works

Question from a reader:

“What does channeling feel like? Do you hear the spirits’ voices? Are you able to see them? How do you know that the ideas (if they communicate with thought) are really them and not something made up unconsciously by your mind?”

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Does pricing affect the quality of a reading?

Can Psychics Really Predict The Future?

Question from a reader:

“When a trusted channeler through his/her channeled spirits states unequivocally that a specific event/outcome will occur, should we accept that prediction at face value because it comes from the spiritual dimension? Can free will sometimes negate/change what seems to be an announced predestination?”

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How To Recognize Communication From Your Spirit Guides

When You’re Too Good for Your Guru

Question from a reader: “The local medium in my ghost hunters group always takes over the conversation and everything is about her. I have come to her for private classes where we talk about my life and what lessons I want to learn for five minutes then she asks me to help her organize her house! Lately, I have caught her on three different occasions taking credit on things I received on investigations with our ghost hunting team. She has gathered some more “followers” and they all seem to be in “awe” of her. Have you ever encountered someone like this in your life?”

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Can You Ever Ask Too Much Of Your Spirit Guides?

What is Enlightenment?

What is enlightenment? How does achieving it changes your perception, energy, psychology and what is its exact mechanism?

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Self-Love Is Not Selfishness

Self-Love Is Not Selfishness

Question from a reader:

“For some reason, my quiet soul draws strong, demanding people in my life! It seems they only want me around when they need something from me. Some have also talked down to me in sarcastic ways or do not listen when I speak up. I am starting to get fed up with people like this! My question is how to not attract people like this in the first place and what do I do with the ones I have in my life right now? Thank you!”

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How To Spot A Narcissist and Narcissistic Abuse

Why Fear-Based Belief Systems Are Distorted

A person lives in a fear-based belief system when they have not yet remembered who they really are and still cling to fearful beliefs and perceptions. When they have not yet realized that everything in their world is love, and the only thing that makes it appear as fear is their limited understanding of it.

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Why We Have Recurring Dreams

Why We Have Recurring Dreams

Question from a reader: “My son, Jaden, passed away in 2012. He was 10 years old. He was also born with down syndrome, autism, medically fragile the entire time and I guess you can say cognitively, between 18 months old to 2 years old. So for about the last three years, I have had, I feel, intrusive dreams of my sons fragile state and all his surgeries. I also have had many dreams of holding him in my belly to protect him over and over! Why these repetitive, specific dreams? Is it the healing process of chronic trauma, or PTSD, or part of the grieving process? Any suggestions?”

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Why We Have Recurring Dreams

Types of Dreams

Dreams are very rarely 100% literal. As I mentioned in a previous blog post about dream interpretation, dreams are often a mix of varying types of symbolism. Today, let’s take a look at the various types of symbolism as well as the different levels of consciousness that a dream can occur, and talk about how to decipher it’s role in your own dreams.

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The Difference Between Venting and Releasing Emotion

The Difference Between Venting and Releasing Emotion

Question from a reader: “When someone else says, ‘I need to vent,’ or ‘I need to get this off my chest,’ – Do you think/feel it’s good for those involved in that conversation? I personally don’t agree with that type of discussion, avoiding those who really LOVE to vent. It appears those who do that are looking for others to share in the dense energy they’ve created out of their own ‘situation.’ Any other thoughts on this subject?”

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What Is Your Life’s Purpose?

What Is Your Life’s Purpose?

Question from a reader:

“I have had a difficult time trying to figure out what my life purpose is. Right now, it seems like it could go so many ways. I keep jumping back and forth between what I think I should do with my life and I am unable to decide. How can I find direction in my life and career? I just feel like I need someone or something to give me a little push and tell me which option to pursue.”

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Balancing Belief, Discernment, and Sanity

Balancing Belief, Discernment, and Sanity

Question from a reader: “I struggle with noticing synchronicities; rather, I struggle with an internal dialog of feeling nuts when I notice synchronicity. Banish fear, sure. But there’s a difference between discernment and neurosis. I guess that’s a good description of the elements at play…”

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Spirit Communication and Reincarnation

Spirit Communication and Reincarnation

Question from a reader:

“My daughter and I were talking about channeling. She said the thing she didn’t understand was how we can communicate with a particular spirit if they reincarnate. I don’t understand the specifics of how this works. Can you shed light on this?”

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Does pricing affect the quality of a reading?

Are You Psychic?

Question from a reader: “Before my great nan died, whenever the phone rang early in the morning every time I was with my dad my stomach dropped. The last Christmas we had with her, I asked my cousin do you think this will be our last Christmas with nan? And he said no, but I said yes it will be. Then the day she died I was at my dad’s house and the phone rang early in the morning. Somehow I knew. I’m still confused how I was going to find out. Does this mean I have a little bit of a physic ability or just a one timer sixth sense?”

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Discerning Between Your Head and Your Heart

How and Why Should We Evolve?

Question from a reader: “My question is not about the physical experience; I got that covered. Rather, I’m more interested in how and why we should evolve. For example, Jesus, Buddha, et al are ascended Masters. So how do we become ascended Masters? I understand there is the combining of knowledge (spiritual side) with experience (physical side) and that completes a needed segment…but what about evolution and ascension?”

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Breaking Down Psychic Abilities

Does Everyone Have Psychic Abilities?

Question from a reader:

“Why do some people possess spiritual gifts right from childhood whereas others have to develop it? What is the mechanism to develop any psychic ability one prefers and how long does it take for anyone to develop and master it? Is it possible that anyone can develop any psychic ability?”

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Energy Polarity: How to Balance Feminine and Masculine Energies

Manifesting Your Worst Fears

Question from a reader: “I have some fears that I can’t seem to get out of my mind, fears of losing my partner to a car accident, or of him getting hit on his bicycle, among a myriad of other fears surrounding my family. I often try to pray to archangel Michael right after I imagine one of these accidents, but I’m afraid that my vivid visions will attract the experience into my reality. Am I attracting these experiences? Do you have any advice on how to stop having these vivid, graphic fears?”

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The Purpose of The Ego

The Influence of the Past on Present Behavior

Question from a reader: I am wondering about the events and teachings from early childhood that effect our later behavior. For instance, I have no control as a three year old regarding the free will of my parents. How do you view this and don’t we have to experience the feelings we cause once we are on the other side?

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How do you do shadow work?

How do you do shadow work?

Question from a reader: How do we do this shadow work? I’m am aware of plenty of traumas in my past but I struggle to break the habits and patterns I have developed. Are there any tips or advice on where to begin? Journaling? Specific meditations? I’ve read a lot on your site and I really enjoy your ability to cut through the bullshit, while holding to the mysticism. You talk a lot about shadow work, but where do we start?

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Can You Psychically Sense Bad People?

Can You Psychically Sense Bad People?

Question submission: “Do you believe that you can deeply feel when you are in the presence of a genuinely bad person? And if so, how is that something you can explain without sounding crazy to others? Sorry to just jump in your DMs. I’m just sitting on this really hard today and I have a feeling that you maybe know this feeling too.”

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Do Your Negative Thoughts Manifest Disease?

Do Your Negative Thoughts Manifest Disease?

Question from a reader: “I have a fear that I may have cancer. I’m just 19 years old and I eat well and healthy. This thought comes at random times and I’m afraid that I may manifest this crazy thought. But sometimes I shrug it off easily. I’m really confused since I don’t know how to stop these thoughts and be free of this.”

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Do Crystals Really Work?

Do Crystals Really Work?

Question from a reader: “Do crystals really have properties that can be helpful for healing? I’m so skeptical of that and wonder if it’s a scam to get us to make some people wealthy. I don’t like spending money and won’t spend it unless I can see/validate it’s usefulness, but I’m still keen on your opinion on how and why they work.”

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Why QAnon Infected The Spiritual and Wellness Communities

Why QAnon Infected The Spiritual and Wellness Communities

I’ve been receiving a lot of comments on my posts lately from people within the spiritual community and outside of it all saying the same thing: “I don’t understand how people got from spirituality to QAnon.” Hold my beer, I’m gonna draw you a diagram…

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Can You Ever Ask Too Much Of Your Spirit Guides?

Can You Ever Ask Too Much Of Your Spirit Guides?

Question from a reader:

“As I navigate down my spiritual path, I’ll ask for signs to help me through some unclear paths. However, I wonder about the possibility of asking for too many signs. As if asking for signs for the “same thing,” feels like it could be self-involved or seeking praise. Is there such a thing as asking for too much from our spiritual guides?”

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The Purpose of The Ego

The Purpose of The Ego

Question from a reader: “I’ve been considering writing a blog for over 5 years. One of the largest questions I ask is: what makes what I have to say so special that warrants a blog. This concern feels like what you describe as the (spiritual) “ego” but I’m also curious about the role of the ego in terms of how society/pop culture use the term. So my question is: what is the role/relationship of (pop culture) ego with (spiritual) ego?”

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Discerning Between Your Head and Your Heart

Discerning Between Your Head and Your Heart

Question from a reader: “I’m a paralegal in a high-paying job which demands long hours and lots of concentration. As much as I like connecting the dots and solving puzzles, most of the time I hate the fact that it keeps me from my family and things that I love. I’m stuck, I feel like I can’t leave because this job supports my family, and at the same time I don’t feel right inside. I don’t feel like this is right for me. How do I know if this feeling is real? How do I know if I should move on? And if so, to what?”

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Discerning Between Intuition and Imagination

Discerning Between Intuition and Imagination

Question from a reader: “I was recently informed that I was a medium. I want to enhance my gift to be able to help others. I have tried meditation to help myself embrace my gift but I can’t stay focused long enough to concentrate. What would you suggest I do? I would really love to embrace this gift. What are other methods that I can try? Also how can I tell the difference if it’s just my imagination or it’s a message or someone trying to contact me?”

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When Your Reading Isn’t What You Expected

When Your Reading Isn’t What You Expected

Question from a reader: “I had a reading in which I talked to my higher self. At the time I really needed some serious advice and probably still do. What I got from my higher self was something I didn’t think was even close to being as important as the the things I really needed advice on or answers to. My question is why your higher self, when given the chance to give some serious answers or advice, would choose to pick a topic on something which I thought was sort of trivial in comparison to what I really wanted advice or guidance on?”

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When You’re Too Good for Your Guru

When You’re Too Good for Your Guru

Question from a reader: “The local medium in my ghost hunters group always takes over the conversation and everything is about her. I have come to her for private classes where we talk about my life and what lessons I want to learn for five minutes then she asks me to help her organize her house! Lately, I have caught her on three different occasions taking credit on things I received on investigations with our ghost hunting team. She has gathered some more “followers” and they all seem to be in “awe” of her. Have you ever encountered someone like this in your life?”

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Self-Love Is Not Selfishness

Self-Love Is Not Selfishness

Question from a reader:

“For some reason, my quiet soul draws strong, demanding people in my life! It seems they only want me around when they need something from me. Some have also talked down to me in sarcastic ways or do not listen when I speak up. I am starting to get fed up with people like this! My question is how to not attract people like this in the first place and what do I do with the ones I have in my life right now? Thank you!”

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Why Fear-Based Belief Systems Are Distorted

Why Fear-Based Belief Systems Are Distorted

A person lives in a fear-based belief system when they have not yet remembered who they really are and still cling to fearful beliefs and perceptions. When they have not yet realized that everything in their world is love, and the only thing that makes it appear as fear is their limited understanding of it.

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Why We Have Recurring Dreams

Why We Have Recurring Dreams

Question from a reader: “My son, Jaden, passed away in 2012. He was 10 years old. He was also born with down syndrome, autism, medically fragile the entire time and I guess you can say cognitively, between 18 months old to 2 years old. So for about the last three years, I have had, I feel, intrusive dreams of my sons fragile state and all his surgeries. I also have had many dreams of holding him in my belly to protect him over and over! Why these repetitive, specific dreams? Is it the healing process of chronic trauma, or PTSD, or part of the grieving process? Any suggestions?”

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Types of Dreams

Types of Dreams

Dreams are very rarely 100% literal. As I mentioned in a previous blog post about dream interpretation, dreams are often a mix of varying types of symbolism. Today, let’s take a look at the various types of symbolism as well as the different levels of consciousness that a dream can occur, and talk about how to decipher it’s role in your own dreams.

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The Difference Between Venting and Releasing Emotion

The Difference Between Venting and Releasing Emotion

Question from a reader: “When someone else says, ‘I need to vent,’ or ‘I need to get this off my chest,’ – Do you think/feel it’s good for those involved in that conversation? I personally don’t agree with that type of discussion, avoiding those who really LOVE to vent. It appears those who do that are looking for others to share in the dense energy they’ve created out of their own ‘situation.’ Any other thoughts on this subject?”

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What Is Your Life’s Purpose?

What Is Your Life’s Purpose?

Question from a reader:

“I have had a difficult time trying to figure out what my life purpose is. Right now, it seems like it could go so many ways. I keep jumping back and forth between what I think I should do with my life and I am unable to decide. How can I find direction in my life and career? I just feel like I need someone or something to give me a little push and tell me which option to pursue.”

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Are You Psychic?

Are You Psychic?

Question from a reader: “Before my great nan died, whenever the phone rang early in the morning every time I was with my dad my stomach dropped. The last Christmas we had with her, I asked my cousin do you think this will be our last Christmas with nan? And he said no, but I said yes it will be. Then the day she died I was at my dad’s house and the phone rang early in the morning. Somehow I knew. I’m still confused how I was going to find out. Does this mean I have a little bit of a physic ability or just a one timer sixth sense?”

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How and Why Should We Evolve?

How and Why Should We Evolve?

Question from a reader: “My question is not about the physical experience; I got that covered. Rather, I’m more interested in how and why we should evolve. For example, Jesus, Buddha, et al are ascended Masters. So how do we become ascended Masters? I understand there is the combining of knowledge (spiritual side) with experience (physical side) and that completes a needed segment…but what about evolution and ascension?”

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Manifesting Your Worst Fears

Manifesting Your Worst Fears

Question from a reader: “I have some fears that I can’t seem to get out of my mind, fears of losing my partner to a car accident, or of him getting hit on his bicycle, among a myriad of other fears surrounding my family. I often try to pray to archangel Michael right after I imagine one of these accidents, but I’m afraid that my vivid visions will attract the experience into my reality. Am I attracting these experiences? Do you have any advice on how to stop having these vivid, graphic fears?”

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