Is There A Correct Spiritual Path?

Question from a reader:

“Do you know of any spiritual teachers or mentors that could possibly guide someone in the right direction without charging a fee? I read a lot of emails and articles and this is the first I’ve ever seen about credibility. I’m basically blindly doing my spiritual journey on my own. I don’t have anyone to direct me into the correct path and I’m confused on a couple of things.”

It’s been ages since I’ve done a Q&A post, but this was submitted as a comment on my post about spiritual teacher credibility and I thought it was worth addressing for a broader audience.

Blindly doing your spiritual journey on your own is, to some degree, the right thing to do!

A lot of people, especially in the beginning, get hung up seeking answers from outside of themselves, looking for people to tell us what is the “correct” path. I’ll tell you there is no correct path, as they all tend to lead to the same destination in the end. What does tend to happen, though, is people get stuck somewhere on their chosen path and stop progressing because they got mired in some kind of belief system that only applies to that specific path. That’s where things are a bit tricky.

A good spiritual teacher will guide you, certainly, but they’re always going to direct you back to yourself.

Reading articles is the right thing to do! And, as the adage goes, take what resonates and leave the rest. If something doesn’t resonate, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s wrong. It could mean that it’s a belief you’ve outgrown, or it could mean you haven’t grown into it yet. Our world views can, do, and should change as we grow, spiritually.

That said, there are a lot of pitfalls on this path to be aware of. This isn’t a comprehensive list, but a few things to look out for include: 

Learn about the five people to avoid on your spiritual journey.

Thanks for being here,



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