synchronicity Articles

Why QAnon Infected The Spiritual and Wellness Communities

I’ve been receiving a lot of comments on my posts lately from people within the spiritual community and outside of it all saying the same thing: “I don’t understand how people got from spirituality to QAnon.” Hold my beer, I’m gonna draw you a diagram…

More synchronicity Articles

Why QAnon Infected The Spiritual and Wellness Communities

Why QAnon Infected The Spiritual and Wellness Communities

I’ve been receiving a lot of comments on my posts lately from people within the spiritual community and outside of it all saying the same thing: “I don’t understand how people got from spirituality to QAnon.” Hold my beer, I’m gonna draw you a diagram…

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Recognizing And Understanding Synchronicity

Recognizing And Understanding Synchronicity

One thing we all look for on our spiritual path is signs. Signs help guide us, give us validation, and simply give us hints that there’s more to reality than meets the eye. We call those signs “synchronicities.” But is it really synchronicity? Or is it something else?

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How To Contact Your Spirit Guides

How To Contact Your Spirit Guides

When attempting to develop psychic abilities, contact guides or deceased loved ones, attitude is everything. It is what will make or break your attempts at getting in touch with the other side. There are a few foundational things that you need to internalize, and one of the biggest is ATTITUDE.

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The One Thing You Must Do Before Developing Your Psychic Abilities

The One Thing You Must Do Before Developing Your Psychic Abilities

It’s really hard to see clearly when there’s a yucky film on your glasses. It’s really hard to hear someone clearly when there’s a ton of background noise. It’s really hard to talk when you have a sore throat. All of these things get in the way of your ability to clearly communicate. So what’s getting in the way of your ability to communicate with spirit?

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Balancing Belief, Discernment, and Sanity

Balancing Belief, Discernment, and Sanity

Question from a reader: “I struggle with noticing synchronicities; rather, I struggle with an internal dialog of feeling nuts when I notice synchronicity. Banish fear, sure. But there’s a difference between discernment and neurosis. I guess that’s a good description of the elements at play…”

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5 Ways to Recognize Your Intuition

5 Ways to Recognize Your Intuition

Many times I’ve heard my husband say, “I don’t have a psychic bone in my body.” He claims that he’s never experienced a single intuitive episode in his entire life.

How much of that do you think is simply because he believes it?

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