How to Hear Your Spirit Guides

Question from a reader:

“How do I listen to my guides? I know they are there…I feel them & I see synchronicity. So how do I listen?”

It would seem to me that you are listening. Feeling them and seeing synchronicity is a way of receiving communication. Don’t limit yourself by believing that the only way you can connect your guides is the same way you hear another person talking to you.

This situation reminds me of a passage from Conversations with God where God states that speaking directly to you in a human language is the absolute last resort and, additionally, the most limiting way that God can speak to you. God goes on to talk about how it talks to you every day, in a multitude of forms, if only you would listen. And by “listen”, it doesn’t mean with your ears. It means listen with your heart.

You don’t need to hear your guides clairaudiently to be able to receive messages from them. They communicate with you through synchronicity, through feelings, through those seemingly random conversations you have with yourself in your head while you’re driving, in your dreams, the incredibly well-timed phrase on the television that caught your attention or the line in the book you’re reading that made you stop in your tracks. They speak to you in symbolism and it’s all around you, every day.

All you need to do to listen is open your mind, remove expectation, and receive.

Learn more about connecting with spirit guides.

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