Full transparency: This is a really long read, but it’s going to completely change the way you view reality. *shrug* Learn about social constructs and how they’re deeply connected with metaphysics and spirituality.
Philosophy Articles
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Western Individualism and Spirituality
I reference individualism frequently in my posts and point to it as one of the underlying problems with Western spirituality. I wanted to take some time to do a deeper dive on this so everyone understands what I’m talking about.
Your Perspective isn’t Valid if it Contradicts Objective Reality
A common misconception that many spiritual people have is that spirituality tells us that we each create our own reality. What many often don’t realize, however, is that reality isn’t what is subjective –– your experience of it is what is subjective. The personal beliefs and opinions formed by those experiences are may not be valid, particularly compared to someone else’s.
Nonduality: Binary Thinking and Divine Dichotomies
Are you living your life from an either/or perspecitve? Or a yes/and perspective?
Do We Really Have Free Will?
Do humans truly truly have free will? Don’t be an April fool.
Spiritual Politics
Are your spiritual leaders telling you who to vote for? If so, you might want to reconsider who you’re listening to. Here’s a tip on how to evaluate the people you put on a pedestal.
The Dark Side of Positivity
There’s a dangerous kind of thinking perpetuating the New Age community from all sides. Bullshit New Age content farms are hocking over simplified clickbait social media content on a daily basis leading people into an ideology that keeps them locked in a low-level conscious state. Here’s how to spot it.
Universal Archetypes: The Connection Between Tarot, Numerology, Dream Interpretation, Palmistry and Astrology
Did you know that numerology, astrology, dream interpretation, tarot and palmistry are all connected? A lot of times when you learn about these things independently, you may miss the ways they all intersect. Learn more about archetypes in today’s blog post.
Everyone Laments The Death of the Institution of Marriage, But Maybe it Needs to Die
It seems like every day we’re bombarded with the statistic that 50% of marriages today end in divorce (even though that hasn’t been true since the 70s and 80s). Have you ever considered that maybe the reason that the institution of marriage seems to be failing so hard is because it’s an outdated dinosaur of a concept that can’t survive in the new paradigm?
Should We Never Get Angry?
I think, in the spiritual community, we often confuse healthy anger with bitterness and rage (unhealthy anger), which leads us to shun any and all expressions of anger. I know I’ve been guilty of that in the past, but anger can also be a healthy emotion. Here’s some tips to figure out whether or not anger is justified.
8 Consciousness-Raising Documentaries For Spiritual Awakening
If you’re like me, you’re taking a few days off around the holidays and you’re probably going to be looking forward to doing a little Netflix and chill after the fam heads out of town. If that be the case, here’s a few documentaries you might want to check out, personally viewed, approved, and highly recommended by me.
Why Fear-Based Belief Systems Are Distorted
A person lives in a fear-based belief system when they have not yet remembered who they really are and still cling to fearful beliefs and perceptions. When they have not yet realized that everything in their world is love, and the only thing that makes it appear as fear is their limited understanding of it.
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