Manifesting Your Worst Fears

Question from a reader:

“I have some fears that I can’t seem to get out of my mind, fears of losing my partner to a car accident, or of him getting hit on his bicycle, among a myriad of other fears surrounding my family. I often try to pray to archangel Michael right after I imagine one of these accidents, but I’m afraid that my vivid visions will attract the experience into my reality. Am I attracting these experiences? Do you have any advice on how to stop having these vivid, graphic fears?”

Firstly, let me just say that I do not believe that you have the ability to manifest the death of another person, any more than you have the ability to manifest a unicorn in your back yard, so I think you’re safe. But let’s talk about manifestation for a little bit and use this example as a thought exercise anyhow.

There are three basic principles to manifestation–thought, word and deed. But not just any thought, the “sponsoring thought” also known as belief.

Read in-depth about the mechanics of the Law of Attraction.

So the question is, do you believe these things are going to happen? Or are they simply random things that you envision and then quickly forget? 

Simply thinking about a thing will not manifest it. Dwelling on it is another story, because dwelling involves repetitive thoughts and repetitive thoughts create beliefs and beliefs create actions and actions lead to consequences that become self-fulfilling prophecies. Simply entertaining something as an idea will not make it happen. Simply being afraid of something will not make it happen. And as an aside, wanting, desiring, or otherwise just thinking about a thing will not make it happen, either.

Learn the difference between fear and danger.

While driving down the road, I sometimes wonder what would happen if I suddenly veered left–into a ditch, an oncoming car, a cow (that was a distinct possibility where I grew up. lol And traffic was backed up one day because someone DID plow into an errant cow on the highway…) but it’s never happened.

A more interesting question to ask yourself would be where these are coming from. These are called intrusive thoughts and they can be a result of childhood trauma. It sounds like you have a lot of anxiety around someone you love being hurt or dying, which makes me wonder if and when this may have happened when you were younger? Perhaps there’s some unexamined trauma there which might be causing you to have these fears. It does not mean, however, that you will literally manifest them. Also, your husband has his own creative power over his life, the same as you do. You are co-creating together. 

Thanks for being here,



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