Manifesting Articles

How Spiritual Materialism and the Coaching Industry Help Bankroll the Climate Crisis

The New Age obsession with wealth manifestation and abundance is helping to destroy the planet. If by ascension, you meant mass extinction, then yeah. That light work is workin’ it alright.

More Manifesting Articles

Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

One of the most common confusions in spirituality – and the most damaging – is the Law of Attraction. So today, I’m explaining what the Law of Attraction really is, and how almost all New Agers have had it all wrong this entire time.

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Do Your Negative Thoughts Manifest Disease?

Do Your Negative Thoughts Manifest Disease?

Question from a reader: “I have a fear that I may have cancer. I’m just 19 years old and I eat well and healthy. This thought comes at random times and I’m afraid that I may manifest this crazy thought. But sometimes I shrug it off easily. I’m really confused since I don’t know how to stop these thoughts and be free of this.”

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Abuse and The Law of Attraction

Abuse and The Law of Attraction

For a community that is supposed to be focused on love, light, and healing, New Agers have invented and contributed to some of the most toxic, harmful, bullshit ideologies on the planet, and nine times out of ten, the Law of Attraction is behind it. Here’s what everybody gets wrong about LOA.

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Belief and Manifestation

Belief and Manifestation

Question from a reader:

“Hey Ashley! I’ve been reading about manifestation a lot and how our fundamental/subconscious beliefs draw experiences to us. After realizing what we subconsciously believe, what’s the best way to change it? For example, I’m realizing I’ve always believed that God won’t give me the things I want–I’ve entwined “struggle” with God’s will. Is it best to work “top down” with mantras? Or is there another way?”

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The Fundamental Energy Behind Manifestation

The Fundamental Energy Behind Manifestation

Law of Attraction is often confused with the concept of Karma, or people take it at a very literal, surface level and believe that their thoughts, quite literally, manifest around them. Ha! If only it were that simple! In today’s blog post, I’ll try to explain how we create complex belief structures around the fundamental beliefs that live in our subconscious mind and how those things are the mechanism from which Law of Attraction is set in motion.

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Create Your Own Altar

Create Your Own Altar

You may have never realized that you have altars all around your house already, you just never thought of them that way. That photo wall dedicated to your family that hangs above your couch? That’s an altar. The photos represent the members of your family and the couch is the place where you come together. Your desk? The notepad that’s always sitting there, the pens in the cup, the little inspiration quote you have framed there that you look at every day? That’s an altar. Your sacred space. Now you’re suddenly thinking about your home decor in a whole new way.

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Manifesting Your Worst Fears

Manifesting Your Worst Fears

Question from a reader: “I have some fears that I can’t seem to get out of my mind, fears of losing my partner to a car accident, or of him getting hit on his bicycle, among a myriad of other fears surrounding my family. I often try to pray to archangel Michael right after I imagine one of these accidents, but I’m afraid that my vivid visions will attract the experience into my reality. Am I attracting these experiences? Do you have any advice on how to stop having these vivid, graphic fears?”

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