spiritual abuse Articles

How Energy Workers Can Harm Clients When They Aren’t Trauma Informed

Even the most well-intentioned energy workers, coaches, and spiritual practitioners can harm their clients if they don’t understand trauma. Here’s a personal story about how an energy worker harmed me.

More spiritual abuse Articles

Mapping out the Wellness-to-White Supremacy Pipeline

Mapping out the Wellness-to-White Supremacy Pipeline

The wellness-to-white supremacy pipeline – aka the crunchy-to-alt-right pipeline – may be something you heard of. This describes the pattern of indoctrination of people within the wellness world into the alt-right. Today, I’m going to show you how New Agers are uniquely susceptible to it, which might explain why so many fall for conspiracy theories and become born-again Christians.

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Spiritual Narcissism

Spiritual Narcissism

For those in the know, “spiritual ego” is quite rampant in the spiritual community. The more mainstream spirituality has become in the west, the more it has been influenced by individualistic Western cultural values, resulting in what social science has now termed spiritual narcissism.

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Your Perspective isn’t Valid if it Contradicts Objective Reality

Your Perspective isn’t Valid if it Contradicts Objective Reality

A common misconception that many spiritual people have is that spirituality tells us that we each create our own reality. What many often don’t realize, however, is that reality isn’t what is subjective –– your experience of it is what is subjective. The personal beliefs and opinions formed by those experiences are may not be valid, particularly compared to someone else’s.

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How Ableism Shows Up in Spirituality

How Ableism Shows Up in Spirituality

I made a post on Instagram last week about ableism and spirituality which has sparked some conversations that further demonstrate how ableism is so deeply embedded in our beliefs and culture. I’m going to really dig into this today and ask you to critically examine some of your own spiritually-based beliefs and biases.

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What Everyone Needs To Know About Narcissism

What Everyone Needs To Know About Narcissism

I talk about narcissism a lot and in varying ways, and I see it spoken about with a lack of important context online, so I wanted to make sure that everyone understands it all appropriately. Here’s what you need to know.

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How to Know if your Spiritual Teacher is a Narcissist

How to Know if your Spiritual Teacher is a Narcissist

Spiritual professions are an area ripe for manipulation due to the lack of structure, cohesion in teachings, no governing body to regulate them, and a host of wide-eyed people in pain seeking answers from gurus. Here’s some tips on identifying patterns of behavior from a narcissist disguised as a “light worker.”

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The End of Suffering

The End of Suffering

What if I told you that we don’t incarnate on earth to learn lessons, we don’t make contracts with other souls to experience abuse, and that we’re not here to suffer? How would you react?

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How Toxic Spirituality Taught You To Gaslight yourself

How Toxic Spirituality Taught You To Gaslight yourself

Toxic spirituality is mired in spiritual narcissism. As such, many of us experience symptoms of narcissistic abuse under the guise of spiritual teachings. Gaslighting is a spiritual abuse tactic used to keep followers under the thumb of narcissistic cult leaders. Here’s how it’s subtly affected you.

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Victim Consciousness isn’t What You Think it is

Victim Consciousness isn’t What You Think it is

The concept of victim consciousness gets thrown around by New Agers a lot as this motivation for every single person needing to take 100% personal responsibility for everything that happens to them, but this label gets thrown at the wrong people most of the time and I’m going to tell you why.

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Abuse and The Law of Attraction

Abuse and The Law of Attraction

For a community that is supposed to be focused on love, light, and healing, New Agers have invented and contributed to some of the most toxic, harmful, bullshit ideologies on the planet, and nine times out of ten, the Law of Attraction is behind it. Here’s what everybody gets wrong about LOA.

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When Your Reading Isn’t What You Expected

When Your Reading Isn’t What You Expected

Question from a reader: “I had a reading in which I talked to my higher self. At the time I really needed some serious advice and probably still do. What I got from my higher self was something I didn’t think was even close to being as important as the the things I really needed advice on or answers to. My question is why your higher self, when given the chance to give some serious answers or advice, would choose to pick a topic on something which I thought was sort of trivial in comparison to what I really wanted advice or guidance on?”

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When You’re Too Good for Your Guru

When You’re Too Good for Your Guru

Question from a reader: “The local medium in my ghost hunters group always takes over the conversation and everything is about her. I have come to her for private classes where we talk about my life and what lessons I want to learn for five minutes then she asks me to help her organize her house! Lately, I have caught her on three different occasions taking credit on things I received on investigations with our ghost hunting team. She has gathered some more “followers” and they all seem to be in “awe” of her. Have you ever encountered someone like this in your life?”

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Why Fear-Based Belief Systems Are Distorted

Why Fear-Based Belief Systems Are Distorted

A person lives in a fear-based belief system when they have not yet remembered who they really are and still cling to fearful beliefs and perceptions. When they have not yet realized that everything in their world is love, and the only thing that makes it appear as fear is their limited understanding of it.

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