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Spiritual Narcissism

← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is spiritual narcissism?...

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Spiritual Narcissism

Spiritual Narcissism

← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is spiritual narcissism? he term spiritual narcissism, sometimes known as spiritual ego, refers to the use of spirituality to...

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Inner Child

Inner Child

← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is the inner-child? he term inner-child is used by many healers to describe the part of our identities which are innocent,...

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Dark Night of the Soul

Dark Night of the Soul

← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is a dark night of the soul? he dark night of the soul in new age spirituality is a term often applied to describe a period of...

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Cord Cutting

Cord Cutting

← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is cord cutting? he process of cord cutting is a ceremonial energy work exercise that is meant to symbolically detach you from...

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← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What does energy mean? ne of the key concepts in New Age spirituality is the idea that everything in existence is energy. A...

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← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is alignment? he concept of alignment within spirituality refers to the embodiment of higher consciousness, or divinity, in...

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← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is embodiment? he term embodiment refers to understanding what something – emotion, knowledge, energy – feels like in your...

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The term integration, in a spiritual context, refers to the incorporation and assimilation of spiritual knowledge, spiritual experiences, or repressed aspects of one’s self so that they may be fully embodied.

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Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening

A spiritual awakening is the process through which one becomes awakened to themselves and subsequently, the world around them.

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Chakra System

Chakra System

The chakra system is a series of energy centers or portals in or around the human body through which energy or life force flows. Chakras are prevalent in the mystical forms of Hinduism and Buddhism, specifically Tantra, and there is some argument that they also appear in the Bible in symbolic form.

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Astral Projection

Astral Projection

The term astral projection, also known as an out-of-body experience or OBE, refers to the experience of leaving one’s physical body and having the ability to move around the room or elsewhere while in an energetic form of consciousness.

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← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is the occult? he term occult is similar to the concept of metaphysics. It is the practice of seeking deeper knowledge of the...

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Intention altars are sacred spaces where one can create physical representations of intentions for manifestation.

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The title of shaman or shamanism is a blanket term used to describe the similar sacred practices of indigenous peoples scattered across the globe.

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Ayahuasca is a powerful psychoactive sacred plant brew used by shamans in South American indigenous cultures as part of a purification and shamanic journeying ritual.

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Higher Self

Higher Self

The higher self refers to the higher consciousness, god-self, or oversoul of an incarnate individual. The higher self exists outside of linear time and encompasses all past, current, and future lifetimes. It is the part of the soul that is connected to all that is.

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In New Age spirituality, archangels (as well as guardian angels, demi-gods, and other non-human cosmic entities) are anthropomorphized personifications of specific classes of archetypal energies.

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An archetype in spirituality references a specific conceptual type of energy. That energy may be embodied by ideas, qualities, forces of nature, patterns of behavior, symbols, societal structures, mythology, or personality traits which are commonly found among cultures.

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Attachment and Non-Attachment

Attachment and Non-Attachment

The concepts of attachment in spirituality can refer to either the Buddhist concept of attachment and its correlation with impermanence and suffering, or the concept of attachment theory in relationship psychology.

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Sacred Union

Sacred Union

The phrase sacred union is a two-fold process that includes the recognition, balance, and integration of the masculine and feminine energies within an individual, and the subsequent external physical relationship between two fully balanced and integrated beings.

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Divine Feminine

Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine, also known as the Sacred Feminine, feminine essence, or Shakti is a universal archetypal energy, or force of nature, that encompasses a number of concepts, values, and qualities which are thought to embody the underlying principles of the archetype.

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Divine Masculine

Divine Masculine

The Divine Masculine, also known as the Sacred Masculine, masculine essence, or Shiva is a universal archetypal energy, or force of nature, that encompasses a number of concepts, values, and qualities which are thought to embody the underlying principles of the archetype.

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The concept of synchronicity is known as a “divine coincidence.” Synchronicities are considered to be signs that guides us, gives us validation, and gives us hints that there’s more to reality than meets the eye.

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Duality and Nonduality

Duality and Nonduality

The term duality refers to the illusion of separation–of self and other existing in a world comprised of binary opposites.

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Soul Contracts

Soul Contracts

Soul contract refers to the concept that souls make agreements with other souls before they incarnate to deliver experiences. Soul contracts may also encompass the idea that souls have a pre-determined exit point (death) and contract to die in a specific way.

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Lightworker refers to a person who feels a spiritual calling to live in service to the collective in some capacity. Their mission is to aid the collective in the transmutation of heavy karmic energy, converting it into lighter energy and catalyzing the expansion of consciousness.

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The term discernment as it applies to spirituality refers to one’s ability to intuit which spiritual information, people, and experiences are harmful or fear-based distortions of spiritual truth, and which information, people, and experiences are undistorted and conducive to positive growth.

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In spirituality, the ego refers to a person’s sense of separate identity. The mechanism through which souls are able to have a human experience. It is extremely important to note that “ego” is a very loose term that is defined in a variety of ways within pop culture, spirituality, and actual psychology, and is often misrepresented in spirituality.

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Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual Abuse

The term spiritual abuse refers to any attempt to control or hold power over another person using religion, faith, beliefs, or spirituality.

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Spirit Guide

Spirit Guide

The term spirit guide refers to a guiding entity which can be called upon for assistance by those who are physically incarnate.

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The term trigger is a psychological term which refers to any stimulus that triggers feelings of trauma associated with a previous event or abuse.

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The term projection comes from psychology and refers to the tendency to unconsciously attribute unacknowledged, unwanted emotions or traits that one perceives as negative about themselves to another person.

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The term empath refers to a highly sensitive person who has the ability to sense subtle energies in their environment, including the emotions of other people.

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Intuition in all of its forms is an individual’s avenue to access higher consciousness and the subtle energies of other people and the environment around them.

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New Earth

The term new earth, also known as new paradigm, refers to the energetic paradigm shift on earth after the global ascension process has reached critical mass. Some refer to this associate this paradigm shift with the coming of the astrological Age of Aquarius. Other terms used to describe new earth include 5D earth.

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Belief System

Belief System

A belief system is the collection of interrelated beliefs and the thoughts, values, and ideas encompassed by those beliefs, either conscious or unconscious, that govern how a person perceives their reality.

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Whitewashed Spirituality

Whitewashed Spirituality

The phrase whitewashed spirituality refers to the colonization and appropriation of spiritual practices from other cultures, stripping them of their original cultural significance and context, and exploiting them in the process.

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The term reincarnation as it pertains to New Age spirituality refers to the process by which souls incarnate into physical bodies on earth for a human experience. We often refer to incarnations prior to the one we are experiencing now as past lives.

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Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction (LOA) is a universal law and an aspect of karma which states that energies of similar vibrational frequencies are attracted to one another like the poles of a magnet. Law of Attraction is the fundamental force behind the process of manifestation.

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The term karma refers to the energetic consequences of one’s attitudes and actions while they are incarnate on earth. It is the energetic legacy–positive or negative–that we leave behind when we cross over.

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The term metaphysics describes a branch of philosophy that examines the fundamental nature of reality and deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space.

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Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity

The phrase toxic positivity refers to a culture of spiritual bypassing generated by the New Age community and Wellness industry. Toxic positivity involves ignoring, suppressing, minimizing, or invalidation of emotions that are perceived as negative and may also lead to avoidance of confrontation and healthy expressions of negative emotions that are natural to an authentic human experience.

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Spiritual Bypassing

Spiritual Bypassing

The phrase spiritual bypassing refers to the use spiritual concepts to avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, unhealed psychological wounds, or stunted psychological development, and social responsibility for one’s destructive and harmful beliefs, attitudes, and actions.

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Ascension refers specifically to raising one’s vibrational frequency to access and embody higher levels of consciousness.

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What is consciousness? The term consciousness, within a spiritual context, refers to varyings types or states of conscious awareness. Here I define consciousness in all of its variations.

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Shadow Work

Shadow Work

Shadow work involves the recognition, acknowledgement, and healing of buried traumas, unconscious habits, patterns, and addictions, and awareness of one’s less desirable characteristics. Shadow work is the process of becoming self-aware, and self-actualized.

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Shadow Self

Shadow Self

The term shadow self is derived from Jungian psychology and refers to the totality of the unconscious aspects of our identities.

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