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Cord Cutting

What is cord cutting?

The process of cord cutting is a ceremonial energy work exercise that is meant to symbolically detach you from another person’s energy.

What are energetic cords?

Emotions are energy, just like everything else, and when we form emotional attachments of any kind to another person, whether it’s a loving attachment or a vendetta, this creates an energetic attachment, also called a cord, or sometimes referred to as hooks. It’s simply an energetic reflection of the bond you feel for that person (for better or worse).

Some people believe that energetic cording also creates a telepathic connection and/or an emotional connection where you may be susceptible to feeling that person’s emotional state.

Cord cutting is the practice of severing energetic cords between two or more people as a means of creating healthy space between them.

Energetic cords may psychically appear as cords attached to any of the chakras. These cords may also appear in various colors which indicate the nature of the cord. A green or pink cord, for example, may indicate a healthy attachment. A black cord may indicate a toxic one.

When should I do a cord cutting?

Cord cuttings are often done as a way to symbolically end a relationship, close out a karmic connection, or otherwise catalyze a healing process after a breakup of some kind. Cord cuttings are a good way to symbolically state that the individual(s) in question no longer have access to your energy.

Cord cuttings are an excellent ways to assert energetic boundaries and practice the intent to move on from a relationship that is no longer serving us.

For those who work with people all day every day, it may be a good practice to cut energetic cords at the end of each day.

Are energetic cords and attachments bad?

Not all energetic cords need to be cut. Healthy cords are often formed between loving partners, friends, and family members who have affinity and affection toward one another. Unhealthy cords may be formed in codependent relationships, abusive relationships, or other relationships with unhealthy partner dynamics. Those are the cords you want to cut.


Energy Healing

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Law of Attraction is often confused with the concept of Karma, or people take it at a very literal, surface level and believe that their thoughts, quite literally, manifest around them. Ha! If only it were that simple! In today’s blog post, I’ll try to explain how we create complex belief structures around the fundamental beliefs that live in our subconscious mind and how those things are the mechanism from which Law of Attraction is set in motion.

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How Past Lives Affect Our Current Life

How Past Lives Affect Our Current Life

Question from a reader:

“Can your past lives create havoc on the life you are currently living? Does regression therapy help? If you feel completely and entirely unbalanced and you have this guy feeling it has something to do with a past life or something along those lines, do you have any solid advice? Thank you!”

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Guest Blog: Energy Healing 101

Guest Blog: Energy Healing 101

Today, my friend Tara Olowoye of Introspection D.C. (based in Washington D.C., duh) is going to talk a little bit about energy healing. Tara and I participated in a little distance healing experiment a few weeks ago that you might be interested in reading about over on her blog once you’re done with this one.

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