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Age of Aquarius

What is the Age of Aquarius?

The Age of Aquarius refers to an astrological era which falls under the sign of Aquarius. The term “New Age” is a direct reference to the Age of Aquarius. Astrological ages last for approximately two thousand years and are measured by the precession of the equinoxes, wherein the March equinox point moves out of one constellation into the next. Because of this, the procession of astrological ages actually moves the opposite direction from the rest of the cycles of astrology, so we are moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. We are currently in the transition period between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.

The Age of Aquarius heralds a time period for humanity which embodies the values of Aquarius and its ruling planet, Uranus. During the approximate 2,000 year period where Aquarian energy is dominant on the planet, it is said that will see great advances in science, technology, and our sense of community and humanity, and that humanity will recognize that while they are individuals, they are each a part of the human collective. This realization will result in a sense of unity consciousness, which will propel civilization forward through cooperation and a holistic approach to the way we live.

To better understand what the Age of Aquarius may look like, we can look back at past time periods on earth where Aquarian energy was emphasized, such as the Renaissance period, which was birthed during a cycle of Saturn and Jupiter conjunctions in Aquarius.

Our most recent Saturn-Jupiter conjunction occurred on December 21, 2020, once again in the sign of Aquarius, at zero degrees, kicking off another such cycle.


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I’m Coming Out of Retirement

Well hello, friends. It’s been a long time. Given the state of affairs in the world today (global pandemic and crumbling economic system), it would seem the universe is putting out the call to lightworkers: All hands on deck. This is the moment you’ve been preparing for. So, here I am. Springing out of retirement to hold the lines. Here’s what this mess means for us as a global community, astrologically speaking.

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How Separation Consciousness Masks Itself In Spiritual Unity

How Separation Consciousness Masks Itself In Spiritual Unity

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I’m Coming Out of Retirement

I’m Coming Out of Retirement

Well hello, friends. It’s been a long time. Given the state of affairs in the world today (global pandemic and crumbling economic system), it would seem the universe is putting out the call to lightworkers: All hands on deck. This is the moment you’ve been preparing for. So, here I am. Springing out of retirement to hold the lines. Here’s what this mess means for us as a global community, astrologically speaking.

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