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What is karma?

The term karma refers to the energetic consequences of one’s attitudes and actions while they are incarnate on earth. It is the energetic legacy–positive or negative–that we leave behind when we cross over.

Karma is a much misunderstood topic on the internet and among New Age psychics, channels, and psychic mediums.

Myths about Karma

Some common misunderstandings of karma include:

  • Karma is an energetic debt that we create with our behavior here on earth that we need to work off with good deeds in order to stop the cycle of reincarnation


  • Karma is “getting what we deserve” or otherwise some type of energetic punishment for our misdeeds

Karma has no connotations with “good” or “bad.” It is simply the scale upon which we weigh heavier energies and lighter energies within ourselves and the world around us, with the ultimate goal of the scales being perfectly balanced between positive and negative. A scale cannot be balanced without an equal measure of both polarities.

Karma assumes that initially, we will engage in beliefs and behaviors that embody heavier energies, and those energies are perfectly acceptable and a part of our evolutionary process. All karma requires is that we balance those beliefs and behaviors with those that embody higher energies. We do this through the evolutionary process of healing trauma.

The healing of trauma within ourselves and the collective is the releasing of karma, which balances the scale. Shadow work is the avenue through which to resolve our karma.

The notion that we can stop reincarnating once we resolve our karma is a misunderstanding, as reincarnation is not a linear process, and all incarnations are happening simultaneously.


Did You Choose This Life?

Did You Choose This Life?

Question submission: “I have to read conversations with God again. What about the theory where our divine self (soul/whatever) chose this existence/the experiences that we are living now?”

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The End of Suffering

The End of Suffering

What if I told you that we don’t incarnate on earth to learn lessons, we don’t make contracts with other souls to experience abuse, and that we’re not here to suffer? How would you react?

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Abuse and The Law of Attraction

Abuse and The Law of Attraction

For a community that is supposed to be focused on love, light, and healing, New Agers have invented and contributed to some of the most toxic, harmful, bullshit ideologies on the planet, and nine times out of ten, the Law of Attraction is behind it. Here’s what everybody gets wrong about LOA.

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How Past Lives Affect Our Current Life

How Past Lives Affect Our Current Life

Question from a reader:

“Can your past lives create havoc on the life you are currently living? Does regression therapy help? If you feel completely and entirely unbalanced and you have this guy feeling it has something to do with a past life or something along those lines, do you have any solid advice? Thank you!”

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Non-linear Time and Simultaneous Lives

Non-linear Time and Simultaneous Lives

I think one of the hardest metaphysical concepts for people to wrap their mind around is the idea that time is just an illusion. In this post, I’ll try to simplify that concept into something even more simplistic to give you an idea of how every moment that has ever occurred or will occur exists together outside of time – including your past and future lives, parallel realities, etc.

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Spirit Communication and Reincarnation

Spirit Communication and Reincarnation

Question from a reader:

“My daughter and I were talking about channeling. She said the thing she didn’t understand was how we can communicate with a particular spirit if they reincarnate. I don’t understand the specifics of how this works. Can you shed light on this?”

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How do you do shadow work?

How do you do shadow work?

Question from a reader: How do we do this shadow work? I’m am aware of plenty of traumas in my past but I struggle to break the habits and patterns I have developed. Are there any tips or advice on where to begin? Journaling? Specific meditations? I’ve read a lot on your site and I really enjoy your ability to cut through the bullshit, while holding to the mysticism. You talk a lot about shadow work, but where do we start?

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Did You Choose This Life?

Did You Choose This Life?

Question submission: “I have to read conversations with God again. What about the theory where our divine self (soul/whatever) chose this existence/the experiences that we are living now?”

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Spiritual Narcissism

Spiritual Narcissism

For those in the know, “spiritual ego” is quite rampant in the spiritual community. The more mainstream spirituality has become in the west, the more it has been influenced by individualistic Western cultural values, resulting in what social science has now termed spiritual narcissism.

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Your Perspective isn’t Valid if it Contradicts Objective Reality

Your Perspective isn’t Valid if it Contradicts Objective Reality

A common misconception that many spiritual people have is that spirituality tells us that we each create our own reality. What many often don’t realize, however, is that reality isn’t what is subjective –– your experience of it is what is subjective. The personal beliefs and opinions formed by those experiences are may not be valid, particularly compared to someone else’s.

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The End of Suffering

The End of Suffering

What if I told you that we don’t incarnate on earth to learn lessons, we don’t make contracts with other souls to experience abuse, and that we’re not here to suffer? How would you react?

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Fear Is Not A Dirty Word

Fear Is Not A Dirty Word

Fear gets a bad rap in New Age spirituality. I’m here to argue that certain, very obvious kinds of fear need to fuck off, but other kinds of fear are actually quite helpful in helping you determine where your edges are.

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