Even the most well-intentioned energy workers, coaches, and spiritual practitioners can harm their clients if they don’t understand trauma. Here’s a personal story about how an energy worker harmed me.
My Journey Articles
More My Journey Articles
Passion is a Contagion
Fuck rules. And fuck sales. Fuck the strategies. Fuck the funnels. Fuck all the bullshit. Passion is contagious, and that’s all the marketing you really need.
The Success Trap
I realized a while ago that material success is an ego trap. A shiny distraction from what really matters.
5 Toxic People To Avoid On Your Spiritual Journey
There’s five people we all meet on our spiritual journey that we wish we hadn’t. Here’s who they are, how to spot them, why you should avoid them.
I Quit
The day I thought would never come has arrived. This the end of In My Sacred Space.
When Was The Last Time You Cried in Front of Someone?
I’m actually not as good at vulnerability as you probably think I am. Here’s why.
The Day I Threw My Career In The Trash
Eighteen months ago, I abruptly shuttered my business as a marketing, business, and branding consultant for tech startups. Here’s why.
Confessions of Avoidant Attachment Personality
Reflections and ruminations about self-destructive behavioral patterns and how they affect interpersonal relationships, particularly those of a romantic nature.
Everything That’s Wrong With The Body And Sex Positivity Movements
The current “Body Positive” movement has one gigantic flaw and I’m about to rip into it today.
The Oxygen Mask Analogy
God knows I love a good fixer upper project. I’m the queen of the come up, and I’ll turn another man’s trash into treasure all day err’ day. This excellent, innovative ability to see untapped potential, revitalize and make use out of broken or unwanted things takes a turn for the worst in other parts of my personality, when I try to revitalize and make use out of broken people.
Vulnerability, Intimacy, and Deepening Relationships
Creating deep, meaningful relationships was a major goal of mine when I moved to New York. I picked quite the challenging city for it, but I seem to be figuring it out, and I think what I’m discovering is something that’s needed here, of all places.
Aligning With Your True Self
I’ve always been fascinated with how accurately (or inaccurately) people perceive me and whether or not I present myself as I actually am. Today I’ve got a little exercise for you to help me find out.
Cultivating Radical Vulnerability
SURPRISE! You get another blog post. I’m not going to lie, this is probably one of my favorites that I’ve written to date.
The Healing Spiral
Healing is not a linear process, but rather, an upward spiral of sorts. You process things cyclically and each time it comes around, you peel back another layer and get closer to your core. That’s certainly been true for me over the last several months, and I do feel like I’m starting to reach the pinnacle of it all. Finally.
Synchronicities and Spiritual Road Signs
Hindsight is always 20/20 and the signs and syncs we receive along the way often make sense further down the road. I’m starting to see how mine are playing out and how trust in the universe is paramount.
Whiskey, Neat, With A Shot of Vulnerability
When Sunday brunch turns into an all-day bar crawl therapy session like the Friday night before, you just go with it.
Personal FAQs
I was thinking the other day that anyone who is just reading my blog here probably doesn’t know a whole lot about me other than what you’ve read on my about page, which doesn’t even really talk about me at all. I suppose I did it that way on purpose because I don’t really like talking about myself, but, I also suppose part of the allure of becoming addicted to a blog is actually getting to know the person who’s writing it, yes?
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