How The Multiverse Works

Question from a reader:

“Is the mind field the full connection of all of God including our minds, bodies, suns, time, language, etc.? If the big bang was not a singularity but occurred over all of the universe, is the mind of god permeating every part of math with all physics which equates to the smallest particle to the highest intelligence; including multiverses? Can all of these particles in existence in different multiverses affect us, our ways of thinking and ways of life in this universe? Can energy in one universe affect another and according to which laws, one or the other, or both universes?”

I think I need a cigarette after reading that question. lol It’s a good thing I’ve been reading Convoluted Universe…

Is the mind field the full connection of all of God including our minds, bodies, suns, time, language, etc.? If the big bang was not a singularity but occurred over all of the universe, is the mind of god permeating every part of math with all physics which equates to the smallest particle to the highest intelligence; including multiverses?

I’m not familiar with the term “mind field” so I’ll do my best to infer exactly what it is that you are talking about based on the context of the rest of your question.

If we are to understand that everything in the entire universe is connected and that everything is made of energy, including thought, that all of this is brought into being and shaped by consciousness, then the ultimate truth is that “God” as we know it, is consciousness. It is everything. Every particle, every atom, all the space in between, the “thing” and the “nothing,” the all.

If it is the all then it is indeed the mind, the body, the suns, time, language, thought, and the absence of it all.

I don’t think it matters if the big bang occurred all over the universe or in a singularity, consciousness still permeates everything in existence including math and physics, concepts and ideas, abstract thought and other intangibles.

Can all of these particles in existence in different multiverses affect us, our ways of thinking and ways of life in this universe? Can energy in one universe affect another and according to which laws, one or the other, or both universes?

Everything is connected and the energy can be felt and tapped into by those who have the capability of expanding their awareness to such a degree as to encompass said energy. When it comes to multiverses and parallel realities, the energy is certainly connected, particularly between all of your other “selves.”

The way a multiverse works, essentially, is every decision you make from the time you are born creates an alternate universe where you take the other option(s) instead of the one you chose. And then that reality has the capability of branching off at it’s next juncture of choice, and so one an so forth.

Karmically speaking, this is creating balance among energies with the higher self because both choices are always in existence and it’s also allowing you to thoroughly explore your chosen life themes in their entirety. The multiverse is infinite and covers the entire spectrum of possibility.

Your higher self can be aware of all of these lives, while you may only be aware of your own little branch.

I get the feeling, though, that your last question has more to do with actual physical interaction between parallel universes rather than just energetic ties. And like I said, you’re lucky that I’ve been reading Convoluted Universe!

According to Dolores Cannon, yes, parallel lives can interact with one another. The laws which determine when and how are, essentially, law of attraction. Only those which are energetically most similar can link up temporarily–for a few minutes to a couple of days–and create either a window or a portal to that other universe and you can see through to what’s happening in it and sometimes interact with it.

In other words, the same universal laws (physics and otherwise) are still applicable in all of those parallel universes which could naturally interact with our own.

In the book, when asked to give a visual of how this “linking up” might look, the client described something much like an astrolabe where the criss-crossing of each band represents available windows and doorways between universes, which are always shifting and changing. It reminded me of the opening credits from Game of Thrones.

Thanks for being here,



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