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Spiritual Narcissism

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Spiritual Narcissism

Spiritual Narcissism

← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is spiritual narcissism? he term spiritual narcissism, sometimes known as spiritual ego, refers to the use of spirituality to...

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Ayahuasca is a powerful psychoactive sacred plant brew used by shamans in South American indigenous cultures as part of a purification and shamanic journeying ritual.

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New Earth

The term new earth, also known as new paradigm, refers to the energetic paradigm shift on earth after the global ascension process has reached critical mass. Some refer to this associate this paradigm shift with the coming of the astrological Age of Aquarius. Other terms used to describe new earth include 5D earth.

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Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity

The phrase toxic positivity refers to a culture of spiritual bypassing generated by the New Age community and Wellness industry. Toxic positivity involves ignoring, suppressing, minimizing, or invalidation of emotions that are perceived as negative and may also lead to avoidance of confrontation and healthy expressions of negative emotions that are natural to an authentic human experience.

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Spiritual Bypassing

Spiritual Bypassing

The phrase spiritual bypassing refers to the use spiritual concepts to avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, unhealed psychological wounds, or stunted psychological development, and social responsibility for one’s destructive and harmful beliefs, attitudes, and actions.

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Shadow Work

Shadow Work

Shadow work involves the recognition, acknowledgement, and healing of buried traumas, unconscious habits, patterns, and addictions, and awareness of one’s less desirable characteristics. Shadow work is the process of becoming self-aware, and self-actualized.

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Shadow Self

Shadow Self

The term shadow self is derived from Jungian psychology and refers to the totality of the unconscious aspects of our identities.

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