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Cord Cutting

← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is cord cutting?...

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Cord Cutting

Cord Cutting

← BACK TO THE TERMINOLOGY MENUSPIRITUAL TERMINOLOGY AND MEANINGSBrowse spiritual terminology and meanings by letter:What is cord cutting? he process of cord cutting is a ceremonial energy work exercise that is meant to symbolically detach you from...

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Chakra System

Chakra System

The chakra system is a series of energy centers or portals in or around the human body through which energy or life force flows. Chakras are prevalent in the mystical forms of Hinduism and Buddhism, specifically Tantra, and there is some argument that they also appear in the Bible in symbolic form.

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What is consciousness? The term consciousness, within a spiritual context, refers to varyings types or states of conscious awareness. Here I define consciousness in all of its variations.

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